It’s always incredibly rewarding to work alongside our students and witness their tireless efforts and dedication as they blossom into well-rounded young adults. As the school year draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past few months and share some unforgettable highlights that showcase the amazing journey they’ve been on!

Tto 4

Our annual project week in March proved once again to be an enriching experience for our 4th grade students. The week began on March 12th with students shadowing professionals in various local companies and organizations. This provided them with a unique opportunity to gain firsthand insights into different industries and broaden their understanding of the professional world. One day later our students engaged in volunteer work, among other things participating in environmental projects and assisting at local non-profits. Students worked in small groups, which allowed them to make both a meaningful impact and further their cooperative working skills. March 14th was all about personal development. Students explored their interests, set personal goals, and developed valuable skills that will benefit them in their future endeavors. The week concluded on Friday with a team-building day. All tto 4 students enjoyed a fun-filled session of bowling to round off the week.

In line with the tto department’s commitment to promoting global citizenship, our students had the pleasure of hosting students from Germany, Spain, and India. This cultural exchange provided our  students the opportunity to forge friendships, embrace diversity, and broaden their horizons. We are so grateful for these exchanges as they play a pivotal role in preparing our students for an interconnected world.

India Exchange

As the 4th graders finished up their year I was very delighted with the results they have achieved and the hard work they have demonstrated. Their commitment to their studies as tto students, their participation in various projects, and especially their willingness to embrace new challenges have been truly a joy to behold. It has been a pleasure this year getting to know these students and being able to to witness their growth, and I am confident they are well-prepared for the next two years here at the RLO!

Tto 5

In March, the tto 5 students enjoyed a our annual travel week, with the gymnasium students visiting Rome and the atheneum students traveling to London and Bath. The trip to Rome is a highlight of the gymnasium program at the RLO, with a long and cherished tradition. This year marked the second year in a row our tto 5 atheneum students traveled to England, and the trip was a tremendous success thanks to the dedication and efforts of our teachers.

England T5

In April, these students concluded the Global Studies course with a model United Nations evening at school. This event allowed them to showcase their diplomatic skills, engage in spirited debates, and propose solutions to pressing global issues.

Additionally, our tto 5 students participated in week-long international internships across various countries. These internships provided invaluable insights into professional environments, enhanced their skills, and offered glimpses into potential career paths. Their enthusiasm for new experiences and embracing different cultures highlights their growth and maturity.

As they transition from their pre-exam year, we congratulate our tto 5 students on their accomplishments and wish them the best as they enter their exam year. They have shown resilience and determination in their academic pursuits, and we are confident in their ability to excel in the challenges ahead.

Tto 6

Our tto 6 students experienced several key milestones during the last half year of their high school journey. In March, they sat their final school exams, the last piece of the puzzle en route to their final exams. In May, during their spring holiday, they showed their continued dedication by spending two days of their break sitting their IB English exams. Their hard work and commitment has never ceased to amaze me.

With the central exams and the graduation ceremony behind them, our tto 6 students have now concluded their high school careers. As they get ready to move on to the next chapter of their lives, we celebrate their perseverance, hard work, and personal growth. We are truly confident that the knowledge and experiences they’ve gained during their time at the RLO have prepared them well for the future.

Lastly, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to our students, parents, and staff for their continuous support and dedication. As we approach the well-deserved break, I encourage everyone to rest, recharge, and reflect on the past year. Enjoy the time with your loved ones, and we look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for the new academic year. Have a wonderful vacation!

All the best!

Jesse Torgersen