Dear students and parents,

As we once again find ourselves in this festive season, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the first half of this school year and share some of the highlights from the bilingual (tto) upper forms department at the RLO.

Year 4

Our Year 4 students have seamlessly transitioned into the upper forms, adapting to the increased demands and challenges of their tto journey. They have embraced new subjects, delved into deeper discussions, and showcased their growing intellectual abilities. Some of our fourth graders have found the transition a bit more challenging, but fortunately our incredibly talented tutors have worked with these students to help them make the changes they need to make to be successful this year.

International activities have been an integral part of the tto students learning experience in the first three years of the program and this has certainly continued in the first half of the year with the annual exchange trips. These cultural exchanges in Germany, Spain, and India have not only enhanced their learning experience but also broadened their perspectives, expanded their communication skills and helped them foster a deeper understanding of our interconnected world.

4 tto in Spain

In a spirit of civic engagement, our Year 4 students (along with older students who follow the subject social sciences) attended a debate hosted at our school of candidates vying for a seat in the 2nd chamber. The students listened attentively to an engaging and lively discussion about the most important and pressing issues facing the Netherlands and the world today, all the while gaining insight into the importance of informed decision-making in the political arena. Their exposure to the electoral process has undoubtedly instilled in them a sense of social responsibility and the value of active (global) citizenship.

Year 5

Our Year 5 students have embarked on a new chapter in their tto careers with the introduction of the IB English program. This rigorous curriculum has challenged them to delve deeper into literary texts, analyze complex themes, and express themselves with clarity and sophistication. This engagement with diverse perspectives and genres has continued to broaden their horizons and strengthen their communication abilities.

For some of our Year 5 students, the international internship experience has already taken place, providing them with valuable hands-on experience of interacting in a professional setting, particularly in an international context. They have had the opportunity to apply both their classroom knowledge as well as their intercultural skill-sets to real-world situations, gaining insights into different industries and gaining valuable skills that will serve them well in life and in their future careers. The rest of the students in tto 5 have their internships scheduled for the second half of the year, and we very much look forward to hearing about their experiences!

A big change in our travel week program last year was that all of the students in tto 5 atheneum travelled  together as one group to England, visiting London and Brighton. That will happen again this year in the week of March 11th – 15th when these students will spend a week exploring both the nature and cities in the southern part of the country! There is once again an extremely enthusiastic and committed group of colleagues busy planning the trip and I am convinced it will be a very rewarding and educational week for all those involved…with hopefully not too much of that typical English weather!

Year 6

Our Year 6 students have entered the final year of their high school journey, continuing on a long path of rigorous academic development as well as personal growth. The week before the winter break they’ll hand in their final theses (PWS). These extensive research projects showcase their ability to formulate research questions, gather and analyze data, and present their findings in a clear and convincing manner. Handing them in marks another milestone moment for the final chapter of their RLO careers!

Shortly following the winter break the students face for another round of school examens, before moving towards the start of period three and their final full stretch of classes at the RLO. Before we know it, they’ll be gathering in the sport hall ready to face the pinnacle of their academic odyssey – the final national exams, which will mark the end of their remarkable journey at the Rijnlands.

These sixth graders are also on their way to reaching near-native level in the English language. We promised this years ago when they were still in primary school and made the decision to do tto at RLO in, and now they are very close! In May they will also take the English A Language & Literature exam and show themselves, and the rest of us, just how far they’ve come in their English language development.

As we approach this holiday season, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our students, parents, and staff for their unwavering commitment to our school community. We are a school that values interpersonal connections, fosters intellectual curiosity, and cultivates a sense of social responsibility. Together, we are shaping a generation of young people who will contribute positively to our world. Something we shouldn’t forget, especially during this time of year.

I wish you all a festive holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Jesse Torgersen,
afdelingsleider tto bovenbouw